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Pastor Don Carpenter 

Don has served the Lord at EBC since 2014, when he, his wife Angie, and their children Faith and Cole moved their lives for the sake of the Gospel. The Lord has done a tremendous work at EBC since the arrival of the Carpenter family. Don is a gifted expositor of the Word in preaching, teaching, and discipleship. He leads his family and EBC as a servant, "not under compulsion, but willingly as God would have him" (1 Peter 5:2).


Steve Bland

Steve is a devoted husband, father, farmer and Chairman of EBC Elders. Steve has been faithfully growing and serving the Lord at Eldred Baptist Church for well over 25 years. The Lord’s wisdom, discernment, and patience is evident to all who are led by Steve. Steve, Julie, and their family are a model of faithfulness for the families of EBC, as well as our young men & women. 

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Bob Reif

Bob has been an active part of EBC for 60+ years and an active leader in EBC for 40+ serving in various roles. Bob’s quiet wisdom and gentleness is an evidence of the Lord’s gentleness with His Bride, the Church. Bob serves as a voice of Truth & grace amongst the elders; a place that surely mirrors the Lord Jesus Christ. Bob and Cathy enjoy God’s goodness in their ever growing family!




Todd Parish

Todd is the husband of Cindy, father of Gabriel & Jeshua, Abbey, Chloe, & Quinn. The Lord blessed EBC with the Parish family in 2015. The Lord has gifted Todd in teaching & discipleship specifically and has led he and Cindy to serve in the areas of marriage, family, manhood and womanhood for years even before coming to EBC. EBC is blessed to have the Parish family & Todd's leadership.