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Young Adult Ministry: The Book of John

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Every Monday

6:00pm – 8:40pm

Location: 233 Cedar Street, Eldred, IL 62027

Category: Youth Ministries Adult Ministries | Coordinator: Don Carpenter

Please join the young adults of Eldred and it's surrounding churches as they feast on God's holy and active Word, sharper than a two-edged sword, led by the Elders of EBC.  Every evening begins with a Dinner around 6:00PM and Study begins around 7:00PM. 

We ask that you bring $5 for your meal, but if you are unable to pay please do not let that stop you from attending! 

YAM is currently expositionally studying the Book of John.  

You will need: 

- Your Bible

- A pen/pencil

- Optional: A notebook

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September 21, 2024 10:00am – 1:00pm
Tea and Testimony